On a mission to transform the way we work!

Russ Lewis bio pic

Clients engaging Russ Lewis enjoy access to an extensive ecosystem of highly experienced experts and coaches. Our business range extends from C-level experienced leaders to technical gurus and from learning development specialists to specialist recruiters.  Technically, we cover Agile, DevOps, software development, and tooling including Jira.

I'm Russ Lewis and my mission is helping leaders and managers improve the workplace.

Increasing performance 2X and improving effectiveness 2X is the easy part. What really matters is making sure people FEEL GOOD about the work they do. 

After years of service to global corporations, I'm increasingly happy to help others shine by serving as their trusted advisor, expert, coach, and mentor. 

I help executives, leaders, managers, founders, and teams overcome the barriers  to success. Our collaboration is always defined by measurable outcomes and usually completed within 3 months.
Coaching is confidential and conducted according to strict professional ethics


Connecting people strategically and people with insights


Clarifying problems and defining testable outcomes up-front


Taking collaboration to a whole new level; competitive advantage


'Walking the walk' through feedback and self-awareness

Business-IT Gap

I'm both a technical and business guy, bridging the tech-business gap independently and collaboratively.

Mentoring (paid and pro bono)

April 28, 2023
Collaboration versus simplification for organisational change

One of my favourite books on organisational change is ‘Who Moved my Cheese?’ It’s short, and mice looking for cheese to eat is an appealing analogy. It’s a model for managers because it covers four theoretical outcomes of change. Those outcomes are: what happens if I (or we) do, or don’t make this change, what […]

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September 7, 2023
Manage tensions if you want an agile transformation

Today’s challenge is that traditional management approaches, where managers tell people what to do and how to do it, are not as effective as they once were. Agile transformation takes years, but changing management’s focus from people to tensions could be a better solution. It is simpler, faster, and considerably more cost-effective. Management is the […]

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June 22, 2016
Writing an Agile Article for a Proper Journal

The work of the agile business analyst is never done is one of the conclusions reached in my first agile article for online journal InfoQ User Stories Are Placeholders for Requirements. At 3500 words plus five key take-away points, and with editorial and peer-review by the wonderful agile writer and educator Ben Linders, this was […]

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