Marilise de Villiers, host and author of Your Bullyproof Life, interviewed fellow coach, Andrea Darabos, and myself about Agilty. Specifically, what it mean in the workplace as one of 10 skills organisations need to develop to thrive.
Marilise de Villiers, host and author of Your Bullyproof Life, interviewed fellow coach, Andrea Darabos, and myself about Agilty. Specifically, what it mean in the workplace as one of 10 skills organisations need to develop to thrive.
Don’t be Fooled by this Agile Craze If you are in a management or leadership role, the best way to help an agile team succeed is to learn what your team needs from you. Increase Agile Management Beyond the Team It’s relatively easy to agilise a single team, but the real challenge lies in ensuring […]
I gave this talk Starting Lean - Running an Agile Enterprise to a group of founders of mostly small businesses. You can view and download the slides from the link. The talk is based on Ash Maurya's book, called Running Lean, a firm favourite because it's so practical. Think of this as Lean Startup applied […]
I joined FGS CEO, Peter Stroud and his guests discussing “the new normal”; James Hall, Global Storage Chief Technologist at HPE Frank Purcell, Operational Services Manager at Islington Council What you cant see is the wine-tasting that followed. Pete sent each of us a case of half-bottles of wine from Berry Bros. It was great.
Contrary to popular belief, managers are not there to ‘make difficult decisions’. What makes a decision difficult usually, is a lack of information. What makes a decision dangerous is the lack of knowledge of how to use that information. If a manager selects one item from a list of choices or approves an initiative instead […]