OKR training course - OKRs for Business Agility

Align leaders and managers with OKR training so they understand how Objectives and Key Results work as part of their management system

Participants will learn how to


Set goals that are inspiring and achievable 


Measure progress by selecting KPIs


Make decisions based on data and reason


Enhance business performance and agility 
Course description

This comprehensive one-day training, will provide participants with a deep understanding of how to effectively use Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) to improve performance and execute strategy.

Participants will learn how to set meaningful goals, measure progress, and make data-informed decisions to enhance organisational performance, creating the conditions for business agility.

Effective Objectives are ambitious but achievable goals that the firm, department, or team aims to achieve. They are the WHAT in a headline or the OUTCOMES in a business case. Objectives are supported by a few Key Results, milestones that measure progress toward the objectives. The OKR system is easy to understand, but hard to implement in practice.

OKRs are a powerful tool for leaders and managers 

With such power comes the responsibility for creating clarity and not confusion. OKRs must work with leaders' initiatives and managers' ways of working. With clarity, management can deploy OKRs to empower people at every level of the organisation to focus on the activities that matter most. OKRs enable people to direct their attention and resources towards a shared vision, breaking down complex ambitions into actionable steps.

Learning outcomes of OKR training

By the end of this OKR training course - OKRs for Business Agility, participants will be able to:

  • Develop strategic and actionable OKRs that align with organizational goals.
  • Integrate OKRs seamlessly into Scrum practices, fostering collaboration and transparency.
  • Measure and assess Key Results effectively using evidence-based methods.
  • Apply Evidence-Based Management to drive continuous improvement.
  • Make data-informed decisions to enhance business outcomes.
  • Navigate challenges and setbacks in OKR and Agile integration with confidence.

The course structure and outcomes can be adjusted to suit the specific needs of participants and the depth of content covered in each session.

OKR training contents

Introduction to OKRs

Understand the fundamentals of OKRs, including what OKRs are not, and common causes for OKR implementation failure. 

Recognize the role of OKRs, KPIs, and management in creating the conditions for agile improvement.

Crafting Effective OKRs

Learn the principles of writing clear, actionable, and outcome-focused Objectives.

Discover techniques to formulate measurable and impactful Key Results that align with business priorities.

Measuring Progress and Key Results

Understand how to use KPIs and OKRs together.

Learn to improve both performance and quality by recognizing different sets of signals and responding to each, appropriately.

Aligning OKRs with strategy and vision

Apply agile story-splitting concepts to create strategic, product, and operational OKRs, without creating hierarchical dependencies. 

OKR Integration Challenges

Address common challenges and pitfalls when integrating OKRs and EBM with existing practices by explicitly managing those tensions.

Learning through collaborative practice

Gain practical experience by reviewing and improving real-world OKRs.


OKR topics covered in this training course

Introduction to OKRs

  • Measuring outcomes instead of outputs
  • Working with traditional KPIs and OKRs
  • Crafting effective Objectives and measurable Key Results
  • Moving from project outputs to business outcomes 

Closing the strategy-execution gap with OKRs

  • Organisational goals and vision, North Star clarity
  • Associating top-level OKRs with accountable leaders
  • Cascading and linking OKRs in the hierarchy
  • Challenging individuals/team for improvement

Structuring OKRs and managing tensions

  • BAU and stretch goals as OKRs
  • Coaching the right behaviours
  • Measuring and managing OKR data
  • Setting and using OKRs: reviews, actions, appraisal

OKRs in practice

  • 7 commonest failures of OKR adoption
  • OKR case studies (and what happened next)
  • OKRs as part of a system of management 
  • Improving the performance of the management system 

Who should attend and training format

Since OKRs are a management tool, it is essential that leaders and managers are aligned in their approach to writing and implementing OKRs. The OKR Training course - for Business Agility is designed for:

  • Executive and leadership team members 
  • Department heads
  • Senior managers
  • Operational managers and team leaders
  • HR professionals and organisational influencers
  • Program and specialist managers
  • Coaches and trainers  

This OKR training course will be based on a combination of instructor-led presentations, small group and class-based discussions, practical workshops, and real business examples. Participants will be invited to share their own experiences and examples of OKRs, a practice proven to be highly valuable for previous attendees.

Scheduled training events are one day in length. Custom events are tailored to suit the client in content and delivery schedule.

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